Spring Cleaning Organization Tips


As you clean your home to prepare for the spring season, you may be feeling overwhelmed. Organizing the process can alleviate your angst as well as streamline the process to finish quickly. Follow these simple tips to organize your spring cleaning efforts.

Create a kit  Fill a bucket with basic cleaning essentials such as all-purpose and glass-cleaning sprays, sponges, towels and other items you might find useful. This will allow you to transport all your supplies around your home as you clean. 

Use a checklist  Create a checklist for the spring cleaning tasks that you wish to tackle. This will not only prepare you to complete your cleaning in a timely manner, but it will also help you understand everything that needs to be done. 

Determine focus areas – Determine focus areas to clean. These can be tasks such as decluttering or dusting, or cleaning surfaces such as textile furniture or countertops. Creating these focuses will allow you to streamline your cleaning efforts for a faster finish.

Contributed by Ashley McKenzie-Sharpe  

Phone: 336-748-4599    |    ashleym@fairwaymc.com