8 Bad Reasons for Not Making an Offer on a House You Like

Buying a home can be a nerve-racking experience, no matter what price range you’re in. Spending (or borrowing) hundreds of thousands of dollars, uprooting all of your belongings, and stepping into the semi-unknown can stress even the most level headed people, causing second thoughts and doubts.

There are plenty of legitimate reasons not to make an offer on a house, like: structural issues, it’s over your budget, or the location isn’t ideal, to name a few.

But, not all doubts are created equal. And sometimes we mistake trivial concerns for real ones, creating reasons not to buy a house that shouldn’t be there.

Here are eight bad reasons for not making an offer on a house:

1. Because you want to wait and see if the price goes down

A wait-and-see approach is much more likely to end with someone else buying the house before you get a chance to. If you like it, there’s a high likelihood that someone else likes it too. Even if a house you like is overpriced, you’re better off making an offer and negotiating, than simply waiting for the owner to lower their price.

2. Because one of your friends doesn’t like it

People’s opinions can impact us a lot. But when it comes to homeownership, you shouldn’t necessarily listen to what your friends think. After all, you’re the one who’s going to have to live there… so if you like it, go for it!

3. Because the listing sites have a price estimate that’s different from what the seller is asking

Some listing sites provide an approximate estimate of what a home is worth. But keep in mind that these are based on algorithms and publicly available data, not an in-person inspection and analysis of value. So, take them with a grain of salt, not as gospel.

4. Because you don’t like the light fixtures (or something else that’s easy to fix)

Small cosmetic defects can make a huge visual impact, but always try to focus on the big things, and not on things that are easy to change or fix. Items like light fixtures, paint color, and decor are easy to fix, so try and see past even the worst of taste.

5. Because you think mortgage rates will continue to fall

It can be tempting to try to “wait out” the interest rate market, but it’s a fool’s errand. If you knew where rates were going, you’d be a billionaire sitting on the beach somewhere. If you can afford the payment, don’t try to squeeze out an extra quarter of a percent by waiting — they might just go in the other direction.

6. Because there are already other bids

In a competitive market, or on a nice-enough house, there are likely to be other bids, and sometimes more than just a few. Don’t let this deter you from making an offer though; you have as good a chance as anyone else, so just give it your best shot!

7. Because you’re afraid that the process will be too complicated

Buying a home is a bit complicated. There’s a lot more to it than the average person ever knows. But, as long as you work with a great agent, the process shouldn’t be all that complicated for you. Most of that stuff goes on behind the scenes.

8. Because you want to wait for the “perfect” time to buy

The “perfect” time to buy is when you want to or need to move. Timing the market is almost impossible to pull off. Usually, if the market does go down considerably, there are other factors at play that may get in your way of buying at that time anyway, whether it be interest rates, ease of getting a loan, or the overall economy and employment.